His mouth is a little wonky but considering this is only the second toy I've knitted I am happy. Especially since he required more shaping that the android. I also learned quite a few new skills - make one right and left, knitted cast on, French knots, kitchner, plus the designer's neat trick for making ears.
I'm also finishing up the latest android. As of this evening he needs ears, one arm (knitted but not sown on yet), a mouth and eyes. I should have a picture of him this week. My next project is going to be the bear from Itty Bitty Toys done in the grape colored yarn I received for my birthday.
On the gardening side, I have even more little plants! Once they get a little bigger I may prune some of them to give he others room to thrive.

Like my watering can? :)
And in other exciting news, J got his first haircut today. My baby is growing up! He didn't even cry, just looked at the lady funny and then went back to observing everything around him.

Isn't he handsome?
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