Monday, September 5, 2011

I'm Blessed

Today I am focusing on the blessings in my life as part of the Blessings Party over at He Sows and She Sews.

The first blessing is an easy one - I'm so blessed to have an extra day off this week. Work has been so busy lately that I can barely keep up (it did slow down a little last week though, yay). It's great to have an extra day to hang with the boys. And even though I'm glad to have the day off, I'm really blessed to have a good job. Many people have crummy jobs or worse yet, no job at all.

I'm blessed to have a good husband who loves me very much.

I'm blessed to have to have two energetic little boys (even if this post is taking me twice as long because J is "helping")

I'm blessed to have a great family. My sisters and I even hang out with each other voluntarily not just at family gatherings. Yesterday we even had a girls lunch.

I'm blessed that C goes to such a great preschool. I have a great admiration for preschool teachers (especially because my mom is one). C has learned so much at school!

And this is a silly one but I'm so grateful that J is showing interest in the potty. I don't want my babies to grow up too quickly but I can safely say I won't miss diapers when he is done with them!

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