Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year New Resolutions (Part 2)

Okay this is an authentic check off my list. I actually went for Girls Night Out on Friday. With two little ones and a hubby that gets up for work before dawn, this is hard to accomplish. But I made a deal with hubby - I went out but agreed to be home by a reasonable hour.
So off I went to First Fridays. First Fridays is on the first Friday (guess how they got the name?) in Downtown. All of the restaurants and galleries stay open later that night and people actually come downtown instead of it being empty. I think it's great that this is happening - downtowns are an important part of a city. So some of us girls went to check things out. It was a blast! I had to bug out early, but still had a great time while I was there. I've got to do things like this more often. It was fun being an adult instead of just mommy.
I think the next item to cross off my list is my new January cooking. I need to find something chicken or beef  or pasta (that way hubby will at least try it) but still different from the ordinary. Maybe a soup?

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