
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

WIPs and Blogging

It's time for another WIP Wednesday! This week I am remarkably close to finishing the Mystery Knit Along. I definitely know what it is now - and spoiler alert on the off chance someone is reading this and also participating in the KAL - it's a cat!

I've actually finished with the knitting part and have moved on to sewing. I should finish him this weekend since I only have two limbs and some embroidery left (plus I'm off two extra days this week - yay - so I have more time). Plus I know what I'm going to do with him now. Turns out two more of my coworkers are pregnant (one with twins) and I sort of set a precedent of giving a stuffed animal and story, so this project will be perfect for one of them. Now I just need to find a good kids book involving a cat.

Aside from that I don't have any other projects except for the hibernating socks. Now that I'm done knitting the cat I can get back to them. I also have a few other things planned. I want to participate in the color work challenge that the Simply Notable group is doing on Ravelry. I also plan on doing a dishcloth for the Ravellenic games; this will be my first experience with cables and lace. I'll also need to get two more stuffed animals done. Lastly I have plans to knit a Serina cardigan. It will be my first try at a cardigan. I'm super excited because I found some great yarn at a Joann's clearance. It's the brown and blue yarn in the photo below.

And on an unrelated note, I just realized my 2nd Blogoversary was this week. I really can't believe two years have flown by since I started this blog. My youngest was only six months old when I started. Now he is two! And my oldest will start Kindergarten shortly. It's hard to wrap my head around this, but it's been a great outlet for me. Here's to another year!


For more great works in progress, check out Tami's Amis



  1. Your cat is looking very cute! I have no recommendations I'm afraid but I hope you find something fun & suitable :-)

  2. congratulations on your 2 year blogoversary!! your cat is lovely, just too cute. does the book have to be a cat? The Tiger Who Came to Tea is just an awesome book - it's super cute and one of my kids favourites since they were small. have fun with the cardigan. have a knitty wednesday xxx

    1. You gave me an idea - maybe I should do a cat for one twin and a tiger for the other.

  3. Oh yummy new yarn, I love that! Your cat is precious. as for a story what about one with Mog the cat?

    1. I haven't heard of that before - looks like a cute story.

  4. That's going to be so cute! And congratulations on your second year of blogging!

  5. Aww that cat is going to be adorable ♥
    Happy Blogiversary!!
    Also, I totally succumbed to the same yarn at Joann's sale! hee hee.

  6. How about "If You Give a Cat A Cupcake"? There's a whole series which could play nicely into knittied toys- Mouse a Cookie, Moose a Muffin, Pig A Party. They're really cute little books, at least the first half dozen or so times you read them in a row.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I didn't know there was a cat one! I always liked If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

  7. Looks like a cute little stuffed animal. There are lots of great books for little ones featuring cats. I'd just head to a kid's bookstore, or even the kid's section of a big bookstore and start flipping through to find the one you like best.

    1. I think that may be what I end up doing. Usually I pick the animal based on the book I pick but this time I switched it.

  8. Such a cute idea...a toy and story! I'm sure there are plenty of great books involving cats in the baby section!

  9. This is my kind of cat - unfortunately I can't have a real one :(
