
Friday, July 20, 2012

Finished Object Friday

Well today is Friday and I have a finished project to share. The surprising part is what the item is. I figured, based on how far I had gotten by Wednesday, that my finished object would be the cat KAL. However after I finished sewing the limbs yesterday I just couldn't motivate myself to do any more sewing for the face. I really wanted to knit! So I decided to cast on something from my long list of planned projects.

I chose the coffee cozy for the color work challenge. I figured it was the project that I had the best chance of completing before the Ravellenic games. What surprised me is how fast it worked up. I managed to finish it in just a few hours.

This was my first experience with stranded knitting (or anything like it). My previous forays into color were limited to changing color at the end of a row, which is really no different than starting a new skein when you run out on any project. I don't know why I let this intimidate me for so long. It was actually really easy. Plus I crossed something off my resolution list!

For more finished objects, check out Tami's lovely site!



  1. Its so pretty. I like it a lot.

  2. I love the colours you choose, they are so happy. Isn't it funny that once we overcome our so called fears, we have no idea why we had them in the beginning.

  3. This is very cute! I love the color combo.

  4. You did a great job for your first color adventure! Now that you've tried think how easy it'll be next time. Good job!
