
Friday, September 20, 2013

Finished Object Friday

It's Friday and I have not one, but two finished objects to share! First up, the pig. Another coworker had a baby so I wanted to go with my usual book and stuffed animal for a gift. I decided to knit the pig from Itty Bitty Knits and pair it with "Moo, Baa, LaLaLa" by Sandra Boyton. Side note: I love her books; they are super cute and fun!

I used my Size 5 dpns and knitted it with what I think is Pound of Love (a friend decided after trying to learn to knit that she wasn't going to continue so she gave me some of her yarn and I'm not 100% positive on what I used.)

This is such a great pattern. I absolutely love his tail!

I wasn't originally expecting to have another finished project this week. I have been working on socks for my kiddos. My kids are so sweet; they want hand knit socks just like mom has. What I forgot to take into account is how much smaller their feet are and how much quicker the knitting goes because of that. All the sudden I realized I was only about 15 rows from being done. I decided to go ahead and push to finish them.

My son wears a size 11 in kids so these are 2 and 1/2 inches high and 6 inches long. I used my 1.5 dpns and cast on 48 stitches, using a very vanilla sock recipe with a heel flap and gusset that was done top down. The yarn is something that I got at Hobby Lobby but the brand escapes me right now. They are slightly too long but this will allow him to get more use out of them before he outgrows them. My next project is to make the same socks in a size 1 shoe size for my other son.

For more finished objects check out Tami's Amis



  1. I love that book too! That is one of the best baby gift ideas I've heard of. I'll have to steal it from you for the next baby I knit for.

  2. Very cute pig. And I admire your sock knitting, I gave up (sort of) after 2 pair.

  3. I really like the idea of a knitted baby toy and a book - truly thoughtful. I'm sure your co-worker will appreciate it. The pig looks great - just adorable. And those socks - well, isn't it fun to knit for kids - especially socks - they fly off the needles! It's cool that your kids want hand-knitted socks :)

  4. Such cute little projects! I love how fast it is to make baby stuff!

  5. Pairing a book and a handknitted toy is a wonderful baby gift idea. The pig is adorable! I wish that my little guy would request me to knit socks. You are a lucky mama :)
