
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

WIP Wednesday (aka I'm really behind)

It's time for another WIP Wednesday. I can't believe it's Wednesday again already. I'm still working on the mystery knit a long. Well it's not really a mystery anymore. The final clue was released this week. Unfortunately for me I'm only on clue 2 of 4.

This is Benny's leg (sort of). I still have a lot to knit on it plus I need to do the second one. So I've actually managed to get even farther behind. Oh well, I'm just going to keep plugging away. I should finish him in the next couple of weeks.

I did, however, make progress on another (non knitting) project. I'm making a tutu for my niece and her doll for her birthday. This weekend I finished hers so I just need to do the doll's. I'll try and post pictures this week.

I also managed to squeeze a small update to the look of my blog. I added social media icons. I found a great tutorial here. You can check them out in the upper right hand corner. I love them!

For other amazing WIPs check out Tami's Amis.



  1. Aah I wanted to see some tutu pictures :(. Love how cute and small the leg is.

  2. oooh benny's leg is cute, I'm taking part in my first mystery knit next month - can't wait. have a knitty wednesday xxx

    1. The most fun thing about a mystery KAL is when people ask you what you are making you can say you don't know. The reactions I get are hilarious!

  3. Yesss! Tutu pictures PLEASE. I can wait until Friday if I have to!
    Don't fret about being behind; I think we're all in a perpetual state of catching up, aren't we?

    1. I know what you mean. Feels like I'm always going in 50 directions at once.

      And I'll definitely post the tutu; I just need to get some good pics.

  4. Progress is progress! Yay for a tutu!

  5. I love the update! Thanks for linking to that neat tutorial. If you think you are behind on your knitting, I'm afraid I might have you beat! But we just need to power through and finish some projects, we can do it!
