
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

WIP Wednesday

I'm still plugging away at the caterpillar and he is coming along nicely. Since I posted last, I've finished two more sections and am working on the final section. I will still need to do the antennae and legs (plus embroider on the face) after I finish the body. I am totally in love with this pattern so far. I can't believe how adorable this project is turning out!


I have to say though that I'm getting a bit antsy to cast on another project - socks! I've never knit a pair before but lately I feel like I'm seeing all kinds of cute patterns. I'm a little nervous since they seem complicated but I will definitely find an easy pattern to start with. Hopefully that will be my next work in progress update!

For more WIP Wednesday Projects check out Tami's Amis



  1. Aww, looking really sweet, can't wait to see it done.


  2. That pattern is so cute!

    Socks are great fun, and not as hard as you think (I have an entire blog post "socks are hard" dedicated to the subject of how they're actually not that hard at all!)

  3. The caterpillar is going to be great - yum socks! I love knitting socks - do it!!!

  4. Fab little caterpillar, it's going to be gorgeous. I am sure if you can knit one of these you could give socks a go.

  5. aww cute caterpillar, I'm sure you'd do great with socks - i'm nervous to start too though!!!

  6. cute caterpillar! and like you, I want to learn to knit socks. I keep putting it off thinking I can't do it.

  7. Love the colors! I hope we can see it on friday!

  8. That's cute! Socks are so much easier than stuffed animals. Go toe up. It's the only way to go!

  9. Just finished my first pair of socks last night and they are not as hard as they look. Definitely recommend Silver's Sock Class. It's a free online tutorial with lots of pictures and clear instructions.

  10. The caterpillar is looking wonderful! I hope you enjoy your first pair of socks! I find them addictive!

  11. There are some basic sock patterns to start with. Silver's Sock Class is a good place to start. Your little caterpillar is cute - love all the bright colours!

  12. I'm your newest follower. Anxious to see your cute colorful caterpillar.

  13. Your caterpillar is looking good.

  14. That's gonna be so cute when it's done :)
