
Friday, March 30, 2012

FO Friday - Caterpillar

The caterpillar is done! I finished it just a few nights ago and I'm very pleased with it. The pattern was Caterpillar by Kimberly Chapman. I loved her pattern but I made a few modifications. I wanted my caterpillar to be bigger so I increased up to 48 stitches at the widest part instead of 30. I also used i-cords for the legs and antenaes instead of knitting in the round. For the yarn I used stash yarn that my grandma gave me. It's definitely acrylic and is probably Red Heart - the only one I'm not certain of is the yellow; it seemed slightly different from the rest.

This is going to be a baby gift for a coworker along with a copy of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

My Ravelry project page is here. For more finished objects check out Tami's Amis.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

WIP Wednesday

Well I did it - thanks to the encouragement everyone gave me last Wednesday I cast on my first pair of socks! I decided to go with Silver's Sock class as my first pattern since the directions look pretty thorough and I think I may need some hand holding. For the yarn, I'm using Serenity sock in pink (J helped pick out the color). I haven't gotten very far because I've had to cast on three times. The first time my cast on was way too tight and the second time I twisted the stitches. But this time seems to be going smoother and I've managed to get a few rows done.

My other WIP is the caterpillar. Look how close I am to finishing!

For other WIP Wednesday fun check out Tami's Amis

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Busy Weekend

Boy did I have a busy weekend (as evidenced by the fact that I'm writing this on Tuesday)! I spent part of the time getting ready for C's birthday party coming up. Plus E and I went to an event for his work. It was fun; my sweet MIL watched the kiddos so E and I had a chance to relax. On top of all that we took the boys to have fun at some bounce houses my church had set up.

I love the way their hair goes flying up when they slide!

I'm also trying my hand at gardening again. I was an epic failure last time; I managed to kill sunflowers (who does that!?) This time I am growing basil. I already have a few sprouting!

See the little green flecks? Cannot wait until it gets big enough. I need to get a few good recipes...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

WIP Wednesday

I'm still plugging away at the caterpillar and he is coming along nicely. Since I posted last, I've finished two more sections and am working on the final section. I will still need to do the antennae and legs (plus embroider on the face) after I finish the body. I am totally in love with this pattern so far. I can't believe how adorable this project is turning out!


I have to say though that I'm getting a bit antsy to cast on another project - socks! I've never knit a pair before but lately I feel like I'm seeing all kinds of cute patterns. I'm a little nervous since they seem complicated but I will definitely find an easy pattern to start with. Hopefully that will be my next work in progress update!

For more WIP Wednesday Projects check out Tami's Amis


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Caterpillar craftiness

I seem to have gotten over the knitter's block mentioned in my last post and I have made some real progress on my caterpillar. I started the project that day but unfortunately had to rip it out and start again. It was a little smaller than I hoped so I increased the number of stitches on each row. Now it is closer to the size I was aiming for. I decided to go with yellow for the head and green, pink, blue and red for the body. As you can see I'm about half way done (not counting the legs). It's a nice quick pattern and it's great because I'm able to knit it totally from stash.

Check out other works in progress at Tami's Amis!


Friday, March 9, 2012

Knitter's Block

Earlier this week I was suffering from knitter's block (like writer's block but for knitters). I had finished up the monster I was working on for C and the only thing I had on the needles at the moment was a hat. The hat is a really nice pattern - Hurricane; the pattern is easy so the project is portable but it looks good at the same time. The only problem was I don't feel like knitting a hat right now. I would bring the project with me when I went places so I would have something to work on. Yet not a single stitch was added to the hat.


So I decided to start something new to get over the block. I know a lot of knitters have more than one project at a time but I tend to be a fairly monogamous knitter. I don't know why but I hate having something incomplete sitting on my shelf. Hopefully it won't drive me crazy to have multiple projects going.


I decided that since I have three coworkers who are pregnant and due within 6 weeks of each other, I would start working on something for each of them. My idea is to give them each a kid's book with a stuffed animal to go with it. I've started with a Caterpillar (to go with The Very Hungry Caterpillar). I think I will do a bear (like the one I did for my niece) to go with Brown Bear, Brown Bear. I'm stuck on what to do for the third one but I've got time to figure that out.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sparky the Monster

Ever since C saw me working on the monster for my nephew's Christmas gift, he has been begging for one of his own. So I let him choose the pattern and the colors and here is the result:

Meet Sparky. The pattern is Dot the Dress up Monster from Rebecca Danger's Big Book of Knitted Monsters. (My Ravelry project page is here). I used acrylic so hopefully it will hold up to a four year old's love. C even gave his input on what the mouth should look like and I made it out of felt. The eyes were done with a spider web embroidery technique. I think the boys would be okay if I used safety eyes - they are pretty far past the chewing on everything phase - but I'd rather not take the chance yet.

This was my first time doing one of the patterns that required knitting the legs to the body in one piece (especially because I use DPNs not magic loop). Overall I'm happy with how it turned out.


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